C Bryan Daniels photo
Mr C Bryan Daniels

VCID: 16699


    Bryan Daniels formed Prairie Capital with Steve King in 1997, and shares overall management responsibility for Prairie. Bryan is responsible for deal generation and overseeing due diligence, deal structuring and negotiation, along with fundraising and investor relations. Bryan also has portfolio management responsibility for Prairie Capital, and is currently a director for eight Prairie Capital portfolio companies, including Chicago Deferred Exchange Corp., Creditors Interchange, Northfield, Pyott-Boone Electronics, ProVest, R3 Education, Taylor Capital Group and Titanium Solutions. Prior to establishing Prairie Capital, Bryan was a Senior Vice President of commercial banking at American National Bank & Trust Company, an $8 billion subsidiary of Bank One (now part of JP Morgan Chase). Overseeing more than $70 million in preferred stock investments in this division, he also served on the Investment Committee of ANB Mezzanine. In addition to his responsibilities at Prairie, Bryan is a Visiting Committee Member of the Physical Sciences Department at the University of Chicago, which fosters dialogue and creates links with the broader community. Bryan also sits on the board of Chicago Public Radio (WBEZ), a community-supported, public service broadcasting institution. Bryan and his wife Cathy also support the Music Institute of Chicago, where she is a Board of Trustee. Bryan graduated magna cum laude from Wabash College with a BA in Mathematics and Chemistry. He received a MBA from the University of Chicago, with concentrations in finance and accounting, and thereafter completed his MS in Computer Science at the University of Chicago.