Business classification

VCID: 1176220

    Corporate information

    Registration country
    Investment activity status
    Active investor

    Company type

    Debt fund supporting community projects by providing loans to make up for any shortfall in community share offer.


    The Fund provides a source of financing for community projects and supports the growth of community shares. The Fund can help build confidence in a community share offer before it is issued, add momentum to an offer that is underway, or help bridge the gap that may open up at the end of an offer. In this way, communities can be more ambitious when starting new share offers and gain financial support to create assets that will bring lasting benefit to the community.

    Fund terms

    Fund manager
    Country from which managed
    United Kingdom
    Fund term
    5.00 years
    Fund type

    Funding rounds

    Fund Closing GBP 3,000,000

    (31 Dec 2014)

    Profile Country Notes
    Big Society Capital United Kingdom GBP 2,000,000 Initial investment. Led the round.

    Current and past shareholders

    Investment preferences

    Focus countries
    United Kingdom