
Fire & Police Pension Association of Colorado
5290 DTC Parkway
Suite 100
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
United States

Open Map

Business classification

VCID: 29525

    Corporate information

    Official name
    Fire & Police Pension Association of Colorado
    Also known as
    Colorado Fire and Police Pension Association

    Registration country
    Investment activity status
    Active investor


    The Fire and Police Pension Association of Colorado was established January 1, 1980 and administers a statewide multiple employer public employee retirement system providing defined benefit plan coverage (The Statewide Defined Benefit Plan) as well as death and disability coverage (the Statewide Death and Disability Plan) for police officers and firefighters throughout the State of Colorado. The Association also administers local defined benefit pension funds for police officers and firefighters hired prior to April 8, 1978 whose employers have elected to affiliate with the Association and for volunteer fire defined benefit plans.  In addition, Colorado police and sheriff departments who participate in Social Security have the option of affiliating for supplemental coverage through the Statewide Defined Benefit Plan and Statewide Death and Disability Plan. Starting January 1, 1995, the Association began offering membership in the Statewide Money Purchase Plan. Also in 1995, FPPA began offering participation in an IRC 457 Deferred Compensation Plan. As of January 1, 2004, the Association began offering membership in the Statewide Hybrid Plan (a combination defined benefit and money purchase plan). Starting January 1, 2006, FPPA added to the Defined Benefit System the Colorado Springs local defined benefit pension plans for firefighter and police employees in the Colorado Springs New Hire Pension Plans. These plans are closed for new members as of January 1, 2006.

    Selected investments

    Country Date Notes
    Providence Equity Partners V LP
    United States 31 Dec 2004 Fund Closing
    First Reserve Fund X LP
    United States 31 Dec 2004 Fund Closing
    USD 10,000,000 (USD 10,000,000) deal size. Active

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