
Lindsay Goldberg LLC
630 Fifth Avenue
30th Floor
New York, NY 10111
United States

Open Map

Business classification

VCID: 32290

    Corporate information

    Registration country
    Investment activity status
    Active investor


    Lindsay Goldberg is a relationship-driven investment firm that focuses on partnering with families, founders, and management teams.

    Lindsay Goldberg’s mission is to be the premier partner for families, founders, and management teams. Our firm’s relationship-driven approach is supported by our global network of affiliate partners and a passion for collaborative business building. We seek to be the firm families and founders want as the home for the company they have spent their lives building.

    DISCLAIMER: This chart is based on a limited amount of data and may change once additional information has been added. We are working hard to ensure the completeness of the data. If you want to assist us in our work, please contact us using this form.