Business classification

VCID: 11088355

    Corporate information

    Also known as

    Registration country
    Investment activity status
    Active investor


    The Acumen Resilient Agriculture Fund (ARAF) is a $58 million impact fund and the world’s first equity fund designed to build the climate resilience of smallholder farmers. Although smallholder farmers produce a third of the world’s food, climate change is threatening their lives and livelihoods with devastating impacts. ARAF supports smallholder farmers in Africa by investing in early and early-growth stage agribusinesses that enable them to anticipate, weather, and bounce-back from climate events, resulting in increased yields and incomes. These agribusinesses are backed by passionate founders committed to building profitable and scalable enterprises that prioritize the needs of smallholder farmers. ARAF is sponsored by Acumen, anchored by the Green Climate Fund, and supported by FMO, the Soros Economic Development Fund, PROPARCO, the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, Global Social Impact, IKEA Foundation, and others. It is managed by Acumen Capital Partners, a wholly owned subsidiary of Acumen.

    Fund terms

    Funding rounds

    Fund Closing USD 58,000,000

    USD 58,000,000

    Profile Country Notes
    Acumen Fund Inc United States Initial investment. Round participant.
    Children’s Investment Fund Foundation Initial investment. Round participant.
    Dutch Entrepreneurial Development Bank Netherlands Initial investment. Round participant.
    Global Social Impact Initial investment. Round participant.
    Green Climate Fund Initial investment. Round participant.
    IKEA Foundation Initial investment. Round participant.
    Proparco Agence Française de Développement France Initial investment. Round participant.
    Soros Economic Development Fund United States Initial investment. Round participant.