
Express Ventures
12481 High Bluff Drive
Suite 350
San Diego, CA 92130
United States

Open Map

Business classification

VCID: 1851

    Corporate information

    Registration country
    Investment activity status
    Not investing

    Selected investments

    Country Date Notes
    Certona Corp
    United States 1 Jul 2008 Series A
    E-Band Communications Corp
    Manufacturer of the highest performance multi-gigabit capacity wireless communication systems based on 71-86 GHz and 60 GHz millimeter-wave radio.
    United States 1 Jul 2008 Series A
    MaintenanceNet Inc
    Maintenance contract management company.
    United States N/A
    Benchmark Revenue Management Inc
    Workflow and business intelligence software company serving the US Hospital administration market.
    United States N/A
    Completely stealth company.
    United States N/A

    DISCLAIMER: This chart is based on a limited amount of data and may change once additional information has been added. We are working hard to ensure the completeness of the data. If you want to assist us in our work, please contact us using this form.