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VCID: 7012919

    Corporate information

    Investment activity status
    Active investor

    Company type

    Redefining the transcription industry with AI.


    Education, medical and legal are the key drivers of this market due to enforced regulations. Every year over a billion hours of audio/video has been transcribed in these industries. Current transcription process is manual, costly and simply prone to mistakes. Docle AI is redefining the way transcription done and making seamless with their unique AI platform.

    Funding rounds

    Profile Country Notes
    Entrepreneur First Investment Manager LLP Tehnology incubator that invests in individuals “pre-team, pre-idea” to help create new technology startups. United Kingdom Initial investment. Round participant.

    Current and past shareholders

    Investor Round
    Entrepreneur First Investment Manager LLP logo Entrepreneur First Investment Manager LLP
    Tehnology incubator that invests in individuals “pre-team, pre-idea” to help create new technology startups.