
Future Fund
United Kingdom

Open Map

VCID: 1051032

    Corporate information

    Registration country
    Investment activity status
    Active investor


    Announced by the Chancellor on 20th April 2020, the Future Fund issues convertible loans to innovative UK companies with good potential that typically rely on equity investment and are currently affected by COVID-19. The scheme will help these companies through the current period of economic disruption and the recovery, so they are able to continue their growth trajectory and reach their full economic potential. The scheme is designed by government and delivered by the British Business Bank. Initially, the Government made £250 million available for investment through the scheme, to be matched by private investors, with the Treasury making clear the amount could be increased if needed. Due to the popularity of the fund, more funding is being made available. The scale of the scheme will be kept under review.

    Fund terms

    Country from which managed
    United Kingdom

    Funding rounds

    Fund Closing GBP 250,000,000

    (20 Apr 2020)

    Profile Country Notes
    HM Treasury United Kingdom GBP 250,000,000 Initial investment. Led the round.

    Current and past shareholders

    Investor Round
    HM Treasury logo HM Treasury
    Fund Closing

    Selected investments

    Country Date Notes
    Meniga Ltd
    United Kingdom 25 Mar 2021 Venture
    Initial investment. Round participant. Active

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