VCID: 287028

    Corporate information

    Official name
    NouDB Incorporated

    Registration country
    Investment activity status
    Active investor

    Funding rounds

    (9 Jul 2012)

    Profile Country Notes
    Longworth Venture Partners LP United States

    (9 Jul 2012)

    Profile Country Notes
    Morgenthaler Management Partners One of the oldest private equity investment firms in the US investing through both venture capital and leverage buyout transactions. United States

    (9 Jul 2012)

    Profile Country Notes
    Hummer Winblad Venture Partners American software and web focused venture capital firm based in San Francisco, California. United States

    Current and past shareholders

    Investor Contacts Round
    Hummer Winblad Venture Partners logo Hummer Winblad Venture Partners
    American software and web focused venture capital firm based in San Francisco, California.
    +1 (415) 979-9600
    Series B
    Longworth Venture Partners LP logo Longworth Venture Partners LP
    +1 (781) 663-3600
    Series B
    Morgenthaler Management Partners logo Morgenthaler Management Partners
    One of the oldest private equity investment firms in the US investing through both venture capital and leverage buyout transactions.
    +1 (650) 388-7600
    Series B