31 Dec 2020


Private Investment Office based in Zug, Switzerland.
6300 Zug

Open Map

Business classification

VCID: 14394981

    Corporate information

    Official name
    Ordway Selections GmbH

    Registration country
    Investment activity status
    Active investor

    Company type

    Private Investment Office based in Zug, Switzerland.


    Ordway Selections GmbH is a Private Investment Office based in Zug, Switzerland. Our activities are anchored by the Ordway family. We are co-owned by a select few likeminded investors who support us with their experience, knowledge and access. Our focus is dedicated to investing in the food & agriculture sector. We exist to drive returns by helping companies solve large challenges in human and environmental health. We invest into process and technology innovation, private equity growth, buyouts, and operating businesses that grow high quality crops in a sustainable manner.

    Selected investments

    Country Date Notes
    SEBA Bank AG
    Fully integrated, FINMA-licensed digital assets banking platform.
    Switzerland 12 Jan 2022 Series C
    Initial investment. Round participant. Active

    DISCLAIMER: This chart is based on a limited amount of data and may change once additional information has been added. We are working hard to ensure the completeness of the data. If you want to assist us in our work, please contact us using this form.