VCID: 2057599

    Corporate information

    Registration country
    Investment activity status
    Active investor

    Company type

    Global P2P cryptocurrency exchange and lending platform.


    Hodl Hodl is a global P2P cryptocurrency exchange and lending platform. Hodl Hodl doesn't hold user funds - locking it in multisig escrow contracts instead - resulting in reduced execution time and theft. All trades on Hodl Hodl happen directly between users' cryptocurrency wallets, hence reducing complex compliance requirements.

    Funding rounds

    Profile Country Notes
    Lemniscap Investment firm specialising in investments in emerging cryptoassets & blockchain startups. Hong Kong SAR China Initial investment. Round participant.

    Current and past shareholders

    Investor Round
    Lemniscap logo Lemniscap
    Investment firm specialising in investments in emerging cryptoassets & blockchain startups.