
    Corporate information

    Registration country
    Investment activity status
    Active investor

    Fund terms

    Fund manager
    Fund type

    Funding rounds

    Fund Closing USD 10,000,000

    USD 10,000,000 (1 Jun 2000)

    Profile Country Notes
    Michael Seibel Initial investment. Round participant.
    Nigeria Sovereign Investment Authority Nigeria Initial investment. Round participant.
    Platform Capital Investment Partners Initial investment. Round participant.
    Plexo Capital Fund of funds and direct investor in startups that are run primarily (but not exclusively) by people of color. Initial investment. Round participant.
    TechStars LLC United States Initial investment. Round participant.
    Western Technology Investment Venture debt firm investing debt and equity capital in venture-backed technology, healthcare and clean technology companies. United States Initial investment. Round participant.

    Current and past shareholders

    Investor Contacts Round
    Michael Seibel photo Michael Seibel
    Fund Closing
    Nigeria Sovereign Investment Authority logo Nigeria Sovereign Investment Authority
    Fund Closing
    Platform Capital Investment Partners logo Platform Capital Investment Partners
    Fund Closing
    Plexo Capital logo Plexo Capital
    Fund of funds and direct investor in startups that are run primarily (but not exclusively) by people of color.
    Fund Closing
    TechStars LLC logo TechStars LLC
    Fund Closing
    Western Technology Investment logo Western Technology Investment
    Venture debt firm investing debt and equity capital in venture-backed technology, healthcare and clean technology companies.
    +1 (408) 436-8577
    Fund Closing